Selasa, 07 Juli 2009


Alat dan Bahan

1.Kabel UTP secukupnya.

2. Konektor RJ-45

3. Crimp Tool

4.Kabel Tester


Konsep jaringan komputer lahir pada tahun 1940-an di Amerika dari sebuah
proyek pengembangan komputer MODEL I di laboratorium Bell dan group riset Harvard
University yang dipimpin profesor H. Aiken. Pada mulanya proyek tersebut hanyalah
ingin memanfaatkan sebuah perangkat komputer yang harus dipakai bersama. Untuk
mengerjakan beberapa proses tanpa banyak membuang waktu kosong dibuatlah proses
beruntun (Batch Processing), sehingga beberapa program bisa dijalankan dalam sebuah
komputer dengan dengan kaidah antrian.

Ditahun 1950-an ketika jenis komputer mulai membesar sampai terciptanya super
komputer, maka sebuah komputer mesti melayani beberapa terminal. Untuk itu
ditemukan konsep distribusi proses berdasarkan waktu yang dikenal dengan nama TSS
(Time Sharing System), maka untuk pertama kali bentuk jaringan (network) komputer
diaplikasikan. Pada sistem TSS beberapa terminal terhubung secara seri ke sebuah host
komputer. Dalam proses TSS mulai nampak perpaduan teknologi komputer dan teknologi
telekomunikasi yang pada awalnya berkembang sendiri-sendiri.

Memasuki tahun 1970-an, setelah beban pekerjaan bertambah banyak dan harga
perangkat komputer besar mulai terasa sangat mahal, maka mulailah digunakan konsep
proses distribusi (Distributed Processing),dalam proses ini beberapa host komputer
mengerjakan sebuah pekerjaan besar secara paralel untuk melayani beberapa terminal
yang tersambung secara seri disetiap host komputer. Dalam proses distribusi sudah
mutlak diperlukan perpaduan yang mendalam antara teknologi komputer dan
telekomunikasi, karena selain proses yang harus didistribusikan, semua host komputer
wajib melayani terminal-terminalnya dalam satu perintah dari komputer pusat.

Selanjutnya ketika harga-harga komputer kecil sudah mulai menurun dan konsep
proses distribusi sudah matang, maka penggunaan komputer dan jaringannya sudah mulai
beragam dari mulai menangani proses bersama maupun komunikasi antar komputer (Peer
to Peer System) saja tanpa melalui komputer pusat. Untuk itu mulailah berkembang
teknologi jaringan lokal yang dikenal dengan sebutan LAN. Demikian pula ketika
Internet mulai diperkenalkan, maka sebagian besar LAN yang berdiri sendiri mulai
berhubungan dan terbentuklah jaringan raksasa WAN.

Jaringan komputer adalah sekumpulan perangkat yang dapat digunakan untuk
menyimpan dan manipulasi data elektronis dan pesan-pesan, saling terkait satu dengan
lainnya di mana dengan cara tersebut pengguna dapat menyimpan, menggali dan saling
berbagi-pakai terhadap informasi yang tersedia.

Pada umumnya yang dihubungkan tersebut terdiri dari komputer mikro, terminal,
printer dan media penyimpan data, serta perangkat jaringan lainnya. Dengan memiliki
jaringan komputer memungkinkan Anda untuk menggabungkan berbagai tingkat keahlian
yang terdapat di segenap staf serta berbagai jenis kapasitas peralatan yang ada, tanpa
memperhatikan soal-soal lokasi fisik di antara staf maupun peralatannya. Jaringan
memungkinkan pemanfaatan secara bersama di antara para pengguna jaringan terhadap
file-file data dan aplikasi, saling berkirim pesan, serta memungkinkan diterapkannya
sistem pengaman terhadap instalasi seara keseluruhan.
Komponen dasar jaringan komputer :
1.Komponen Fisik :
* Computer (PC),
Tipe komputer yang digunakan di dalam jaringan akan sangat menentukan unjuk
kerja dari jaringan tersebut. Komputer dengan unjuk kerja tinggi akan mampu mengirim
dan mengakses data dalam jaringan dengan cepat. Di dalam jaringan tipe Client-Server,
komputer yang difungsikan sebagai server mutlak harus memiliki unjuk kerja yang lebih
tinggi dibandingkan komputerkomputer lain sebagai workstation-nya, karena server akan
bertugas menyediakan fasilitas dan mengelola operasional jaringan tersebut.
Network Interface Card (NIC), Berdasarkan tipe bus, ada beberapa tipe network interface
card (nic) atau network card, yaitu ISA dan PCI. Saat ini terdapat jenis network card yang
banyak digunakan, yaitu PCI

* Kabel

Kabel Twisted Pair Kabel ini terbagi dua, yaitu Shielded Twisted Pair dan Unshielded
Twisted Pair(UTP) . Lebih banyak dikenal karena merupakan kabel telpon dan relatif
murah, tetapi kekurangannya hanya dapat dipakai padajarak yang pendek dan mudah
terpengaruh oleh gangguan serta kecepatan data yang dapat didukung terbatas, 10-16

Kabel Coaxial umumnya digunakan pada televisi, keuntunganya antara lain jarak
yang relatif lebih jauh, kecepatan pengiriman data lebih tinggi di banding Twisted Pair,sekitar 30 Mbps , harga yang relatif tidak mahal dan ukurannya lebih besar dari Twisted Pair.
Kabel Fiber Optic mempunyai keuntungan antara lain, dapat digunakan pada jarak
yang jauh dengan kecepatan data yang tinggi sekitar100 Mbps dengan ukuran yang relatif kecil dan sulit dipengaruhi gangguan namun harganya yang relatif masih mahal serta Instalasi yang relatif sulit.

Dari 8 kabel (4 pair) UTP kabel, yang terpakai sebetulnya hanya 4 kabel (dua
pair). dua kabel untuk TX atau transfer data dan dua kabel untuk RX atau menerima data.
Walaupun hanya empat kabel yang terpakai, kita tidak boleh sembarangan mengambil
kabel mana saja yang akan dipakai. Kabel yang dipakai haruslah dua pair atau dua
pasang. Tanda kabel satu pasang adalah kabel tersebut saling melilit dan memiliki warna / stripe yang sama. Menurut standar TIA/EIA-568-B pasangan kabel yang dipakai adalah pasangan orange-orange putih dan hijau-hijau putih. Sementara pin yang dipakai dari delapan pin yang dimiliki RJ-45 yang terpakai adalah Pin nomor 1-2-3-6 sementara nomor 4-5-7-8 tidak terpakai untuk transfer dan receive data.
Berikut ini susunan kabel standar menurut warna pada posisi stright dan pada posisi

Crossover / cross cable adalah kabel yang secara manual maping signal output
pada satu konektor ke input di konektor yang satu nya lagi atau TX + dari satu konektor di Maping ke RX + di konektor yang lain dan TX - di konektor yang satu ke RX - dikonektor yang lain.
Cross cable biasa dipakai untuk koneksi dari PC to PC / PC to Router, Pokoknya
semua koneksi dari alat yang biasanya koneksi melalui switch atau hub tetapi dipasang
secara langsung. Berikut ini contoh posisi kabel dalam kondisi crossover.
Gambar paling atas adalah posisi warna pada satu sisi dan sisi yang lainnya berdasarkan standar internasional T568A dan T568B. Nomor konektor dihitung dari sebelah kiri dengan kondisi konektor bagian pinnya menghadap kita.
Gambar tengah adalah contoh kabel cross yang sudah jadi dan gambar berikutnya
adalah contoh cross over adapter yaitu alat yang bisa membuat stright cable menjadi
cross apabila anda tidak ingin merubah konektor dengan cara memotong nya.

Sementara untuk stright cable anda tidak perlu repot memikirkan cross over anda cukup
menyamakan posisi kabel di satu sisi dengan sisi lainnya.


1. Siapkan semua peralatan terutama kabel, konektor RJ-45 dan Crimping tool.
2. Kupas bagian luar kabel (pembungkus kabel-kabel kecil) kira-kira sepanjang 1 cm
dengan menggunakan pengupas kabel yang biasanya ada pada crimp tool (bagian seperti
dua buah silet saling berhadapan itu untuk mengupas)
3. Susun kabel sesuai dengan keperluan. Untuk konektor pertama selalu susun dengan
susunan standar untuk Stright atau T568A. Apabila anda merasa kurang nyaman dengan
susunan kabel coba tarik sedikit semua kabel yang telah dikupas sementara tangan yang
satu lagi memegang bagian kabel yang tidak terkupas. Kemudian susun kembali dengan
cara memelintir dan membuka lilitan pasangan kabel.
4. Rapihkan susunan kabel dengan cara menekan bagian yang dekat dengan pembungkus
kabel supaya susunan kabel terlihat rata.
5. Potong ujung-ujung kabel yang tidak rata dengan pemotong kabel (bagian yang hanya
memiliki satu buah pisau dan satu bagian lagi datar pada crimp tool adalah pemotong
kabel) sampai rapih. Usahakan jarak antara pembungkus kabel sampai ujung kabel tidak
lebih dari 1cm.
6. Dengan tetap menekan perbatasan antara kabel yang terbungkus dan kabel yang tidak
terbungkus, coba masukan kabel ke konektor RJ-45 sampai ujung-ujung kabel terlihat
dibagian depan konektor RJ-45. Kalau masih belum coba terus ditekan sambil dipastikan
posisi kabel tidak berubah.
7. Setelah anda yakin posisi kabel tidak berubah dan kabel sudah masuk dengan baik ke
konektor RJ-45 selanjutnya masukan konektor RJ-45 tersebut ke crimpt tool untuk di
pres. Ketika konektor dalam kondisi didalam crimp tool anda bisa memastikan kembali
kabel sudah sepenuhnya menyentuh bagian dapet RJ-45 dengan cara mendorong kabel
kedalam RJ-45. Pastikan juga bahwa bagian pembungkus kabel sebagian masuk kedalam
konektor RJ-45.
8. Kemudian anda bisa menekan crimp tool sekuat tenaga supaya semua pin RJ-45 masuk
dan menembus pelindung kabel UTP yang kecil. Apabila anda kurang kuat menekan
kemungkinan kabel UTP tidak tersobek oleh pin RJ-45 sehingga kabel tersebut tidak
konek. Dan apabila pembungkus bagian luar tidak masuk kedalam konektor RJ-45,
apabila kabel tersebut sering digerak-gerakan, kemungkinan besar posisi kabel akan
bergesar dan bahkan copot.
9. Lakukan langkah-langkah diatas untuk ujung kabel yang satu nya lagi.
10. Apabila anda yakin sudah memasang kabel UTP ke RJ-45 dengan kuat selanjutnya
adalah test dengan menggunakan LAN tester apabila ada. Apabila anda tidak memiliki
LAN tester jangan takut anda cukup melihat kembali kabel yang sudah terpasang,
memastikan bahwa anda sudah cukup kuat memasang nya dan semua ujung kabel terlihat
dari bagian depan RJ-45 maka hampir bisa dipastikan pemasangan kabel UTP tersebut

McDonald's® Chicken McNuggets™

vegetable oil (in fryer)
1 egg
1 cup water
2/3 cup all-purpose flour
1/3 cup tempura mix (or 1/3 cup flour for a total of 1 cup if tempura mix is unavailable)
2 teaspoons salt
1 teaspoon onion powder
1/2 teaspoon Accent®
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1/8 teaspoon garlic powder
4 chicken breast filets, each cut into 6-7 bite sized pieces.

Cooking your McNuggets™
1. Beat the egg and then combine it with 1 cup water in a small, shallow bowl. Stir.
2. Combine the flour, salt, Accent®, pepper, onion powder and garlic powder in a one gallon size zip lock
3. Pound each of the breast filets with a mallet until about 1/4-inch thick. Trim each breast filet into bite
sized pieces.
4. Coat each piece with the flour mixture by shaking in the zip lock bag.
5. Remove and dredge each nugget in the egg mixture, coating well. Then return each nugget to the
flour/seasoning mixture. Shake to coat. Put nuggets, bag and all,
in the freezer for at least an hour. Cover and refrigerate remaining egg mixture.
6. After freezing, repeat the "coating" process.
7. Preheat oven and large cookie sheet to 375°
8. Deep fry the chicken McNuggets™ at 375° for 10-12 minutes or until light brown and crispy. (cook only
about 9 at a time.)
9. Drain on paper towels 3-5 minutes.
10. Place deep-fried nuggets on preheated cookie sheet in oven and bake another 5-7 minutes.
11. Serve with your favorite McDonald's dipping sauce.

McDonald's® ORIGINAL Milkshakes!

The milkshakes were changed in the early 80's to reduce the fat content and calories. These McDonald's
shakes are how they tasted from the 50's
through the 70's. Back then the straw would sometimes collapse because the shakes were so thick. ENJOY!
McDonald's Milkshakes
I suggest getting an Hamilton Beach DRINK-MASTER. It is a consumer version of the multi-mixer's Ray
Kroc used to sell to the McDonald brothers.
(or... a blender works O.K.)
Vanilla Shake
2 cups vanilla ice cream
1 cup whole milk
1/4 cup half & half
3 tablespoons sugar
1/8 teaspoon vanilla extract

Chocolate Shake
2 cups vanilla ice cream
1 cup whole milk
1/4 cup half & half
2½ tablespoons chocolate flavor Nestle Quik Powder
Strawberry Shake
2 cups vanilla ice cream
1 cup whole milk
1/4 cup half & half
3 tablespoons strawberry flavor Nestle Quik Powder
Shamrock™ Shake
2 cups vanilla ice cream
1 cup milk
1/4 cup half and half
1/4 teaspoon MINT extract (not peppermint)
8 drops green food coloring

1. Combine half of the ingredients for the shake flavor of your choice in a the silver cup that comes in the
DRINKMASTER, and mix on high speed until
smooth. Pour into a cup. Repeat for shake #2. Or use a blender and mix all ingredients on high speed until
smooth. Stop blender, stir and blend again, if
necessary to combine ingredients.
2. Pour into two 12-ounce cups.
Serves 2.

KFC Coleslaw Recipes,..!

KFC Coleslaw

8 1/8 cups cabbage
1/3 cup carrot
1 teaspoon onion chopped fine
1/3 cup sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon pepper
1/8 cup milk
3/4 cup buttermilk
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1/2 cup mayonnaise

First core the cabbage and shred the cabbage fine using the
fine disk for the shredder attachment to the mixer. Then shr
ed the cabbage. In a bowl combine with a whisk combine the b
uttermilk, mayonnaise, milk and lemon juice mix till well co
mbined. Then add the seasoning. The last step is to add the
sugar add the sugar to the sauce until well mixed in. Add th
e sauce to the cabbage and carrot mixture and mix well and a
llow the mixture to marinate for 13 hrs.
Do to the waste of chicken in the restaurants the Colonel cr
eated a recipe to help use thechicken that was unable to be
sold. So he devised the potpie recipe. See chicken could onl
y sit and be sold for 2 hrs after it is fried.

2 potatoes peeled and cooked
2/3 cup frozen peas
2 cans cream of chicken soup
2 carrots peeled and cooked
2 tablespoons frozen onion
2 cups of cooked chicken
dash of salt and pepper and Msg
Ina bowl combine all cooked vegetables and chicken add the
cream of chicken soup and seasoning. The mixture should be t
hick but not to thick if the mixture is to thick add some mi
lk to the mixture. Scoop the mixture into individual pie pan
s. Use the biscuit recipe in this book to make the crust. Ro
ll out the dough thin and place on top then brush with butte
r. Bake in a 375 F oven for 15 to 25 minutes or until it is
heated threw and the crust is golden brown.
Colonel Sanders loved rice and beans and decided to create a
recipe that could be used together to create a great tastin
g item. You can mix it or have the beans on the bottom and r
ice on top and mix as u eat.
KFC Beans and Rice
30 ounce can of Red beans
1 teaspoon white pepper
4 tablespoons butter
1/4 teaspoon paprika
dash of cayenne
dash of garlic powder
1 1/2 cups converted rice cooked
Pour beans with there liquid into a saucepan and cook over m
edium heat. Add the seasonings and butter. When the mixture
begins to boil use a fork to mash 1/2 the beans. Cook for 10
to 20 minutes to until it looks like bean paste with big be
ans in it. Mix in rice.
A favorite of the Colonel was Corn on the cob and he deiced
if he was going to sale it it had to be delicious and sweet
KFC Corn
Frozen corn
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon sugar
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1/4 teaspoon Msg
melted butter
Cook the corn in hot salted water with a dash of milk till n
ice and tender. When it is done dip the corn in butter and s
prinkle with the seasoning.
The Macaroni Salad that Colonel Sanders used to use is liste
d below. The recipe is just the basic recipe. However it has
been altered many times.
KFC Macaroni Salad
1 lb Elbows Macaroni
1/4 cup Carrots, chopped fine
1 tbsp Minced Onion
1/4 cup Celery, chopped fine
2 cups Food Service Cole slaw Dressing
dash White Pepper
1 teaspoon pickle relish
Cook macaroni noodles in a big pot of water for 12 to 15 min
utes. Drain and place in a bowl with ice water and cool for
10 minutes. In a large bowl combine all of above. Refrigerat
e for 2 hrs.
A favorite among kids and kids at heart is the Colonel’s Mac
aroni and cheese which was originally made fresh daily. Now
it comes premade and is cooked in an oven like it originally
was when it was made fresh.
KFC Macaroni and Cheese
2cups elbow macaroni
3/4 cup Velveeta cheese
2/3 cup mild yellow cheddar cheese
1/3 cup whole milk
1/4 teaspoon salt
In a pot bring water to a boil with salt to taste, once the
water comes to a boil add the macaroni and cook for 12 to 15
minutes. When the noodles are cooked drain but do not rinse
. To make the cheese sauce in a pan over low heat combine th
e Velveeta cheese,shredded cheddar and the milk. Cook the ch
eeses till they are melted and then add the salt. Add the no
odles and mix threw. Place in a casserole dish and bake for
10 to 15 minutes. You may want to broil the top to make a br
own top.
Another favorite side dish is the Potato Salad which used to
be produced fresh daily, however now due to the fact that i
t can be produced and prepackaged and stored frozen till shi
pped and then refrigerated AmeraServe which is the company t
hat Tricon uses sells the potato salad that way.
KFC Potato Salad
2 pounds russet potatoes
1 cup mayonnaise
4 teaspoons sweet pickle relish
4 teaspoons sugar
2 teaspoons minced white onion
2 teaspoons prepared mustard
1 teaspoon vinegar
1 teaspoon minced celery
1 teaspoon diced pimentos
1/2 teaspoon shredded carrot
1/4 teaspoon dried parsley
1/4 teaspoon pepper
dash salt
Lightly peel the potatoes and cut into bite sized pieces. Pl
ace in a pot of salted water and boil the potatoes for 5 to
10 minutes till fork tender, depending upon the size you cut
them. While the potatoes are cooking in a bowl make the dre
ssing by mixing the mayonnaise, pickle relish, sugar, white
onion, mustard, vinegar, celery, pimento, carrot, parsley, p
epper, and salt. When the potatoes are done and have cooled
add the sauce and refrigerate for 2 hours. The best is if yo
u allow this to sit overnight.
The Colonel’s Baked Beans used to be baked and made fresh da
ily. Now there made with a can of Navy Beans made by Hanover
and a bag of sauce and precooked frozen bacon. When it is n
eeded it is just microwave and there you go.
KFC Baked Beans
30 ounce can Navy Beans, drained
2 tablespoons water
1/2 cup ketchup
1/2 cup dark brown sugar
2 tablespoons cider vinegar
4 teaspoons minced fresh onion
4 pieces bacon, cooked and then crumbled
1/2 teaspoon dry mustard
1/4 teaspoon salt
dash pepper
dash garlic powder
Drain the navy beans and place in a microwave safe dish. Add
the precooked bacon. In a bowl combine all the other ingred
ients to make a sauce. Pour the sauce over the beans and mix
well. Allow them to sit overnight in the refrigerator. When
you are ready to serve them microwave them for 5 minutes th
en stir and microwave again for 7 minutes or till heated thr
A favorite has to be the buttermilk biscuits they are so lig
ht and fluffy they just melt in your mouth. They were made f
resh daily in every store. Now due tot he popular demand of
these biscuits, they come frozen.
KFC Buttermilk Biscuits
1/2 cup butter
1/4 cup club soda
1 beaten egg
3/4 cup butter milk
1 teaspoon salt
5 cups Bisquick Biscuit Mix
Preheat the oven to 450°F. Combine all of the ingredients, k
nead the dough by hand until the dough holds together do not
over knead. Flour your hands Pat the dough flat to 3/4-inch
thickness out biscuits with a biscuit cutter. Bake on a gre
ased baking sheet for 13 minutes, or until golden brown, whe
n they come out of the oven brush with melted butter. Makes
18 Biscuits
The Colonel was in the kitchen one day and had an idea what
to do with the potatoes that he had and he came up with the
Potato Wedges. The used to be made fresh but due to the inve
ntion of the frozen fry they are sent to the stores frozen a
nd ready to cook.
KFC Potato Wedges
shortening for Frying
5 Baking potatoes cut into Wedges
1 cup Milk
1 egg
1 cup flour
2 tablespoons salt
1 teaspoon pepper
1/2 teaspoon MSG
1/4 teaspoon Paprika
dash of garlic powder
Preheat shortening in to 375°F. Cut the potatoes into 16 to
18 equal side wedges. Mix the egg and milk till well blended
in a big bowl. Mix the dry ingredients into a large bowl. P
ut some potatoes in the milk and egg then into the flour mix
ture till well coated. Fry in fryer for 3 minutes remove fro
m the oil and allow them to sit for one minute and then cook
them again for 5 minutes or until cooked. It may take up to
6 minutes.
The Gravy used to be made fresh with the Cracklings. Now it
comes in a pouch and all you have to do is add water. Thank
god for modified starch products.
KFC Gravy
1 1/2 tablespoons shortening, melted
3 tablespoons of Original Breading Flour
2 tablespoons all purpose flour
1 can Campbell’s Condensed Chicken Stock
1 can water
First we are going to make a roux with the melted shortening
and 1 1/2 tablespoon of breading flour. Cook this over low
heat for 10 to 15 minutes or until the roux browns in color
to resemble a nice milk chocolate color. Once the mixture tu
rns brown remove it from the heat and add the remaining flou
r and slowly add the liquid(s) to incorporate it so no lumps
. Bring the mixture to a boil and boil for 2 minutes reduce
the heat and allow the mixture to thicken which would take a
bout 3 to 5 minutes.
*That is just the flour that you use to bread the chicken wi
The mashed potatoes are served and made by mix. It comes in
a bag just add water and butter. Many people just come to KF
C to get these potatoes and gravy.
KFC Mashed Potatoes

2 1/2 cups Idaho Potato Flakes
1 stick Margarine
2 tablespoons Butter
2 1/2 cups Hot Water
3/4 cup Milk
1 teaspoon salt
Heat water add butter and margarine till melted. Add the sal
t and cook for 2 minutes. Add the flakes and mix till it loo
ks like regular potatoes. Add milk to proper consistency. Se
rve with gravy. Serves 6
Before you cook the chicken it has to be marinated. The orig
inal way that the Colonel used to produce his chicken was to
marinate it. The following Marinate recipe is still
used today at KFC for the Crispy Strips which are marinated
daily in 40 to 80 lbs at a time, however the amount of this
marinade is only good for about 15 lbs of chicken.
The Kentucky Fried Chicken Marinate
2 tablespoons Potassium
2 tablespoons Kosher Salt
4 tablespoons MSG
1/8 teaspoon Garlic Powder
1/3 cup Bottled Chicken Concentrate
5 cups water
Mix all of the above and soak the chicken in the above marin
ate for 24 hours under refrigeration.
The Original Recipe is not packaged in three different place
s. The way it is cooked and the process makes it taste like
it has eleven herbs and spices when in reality there is not.
The way it is done in the restaurant is using dried eggs an
d milk in the flour along with a box of breading salt and th
e seasoning bag and a bag of breading flour.

2 fryer chickens cut up into 8 pieces and marinated
6 cups Crisco Shortening
1 eggs well beaten
2 cups Milk
2 cups Flour
2 teaspoons ground pepper
3 tablespoons salt
1 teaspoon MSG
1/8 teaspoon Garlic Powder
1 dash paprika

Place shortening into the pressure cooker and heat over medi
um heat to the shortening reaches 400°F. In a small bowl, co
mbine the egg and milk. In a separate bowl, combine
the remaining six dry ingredients. Dip each piece of chicken
into the milk until fully moistened. Roll the moistened chi
cken in the flour mixture until well coated. In groups of fo
ur or five, drop the covered chicken pieces into the shorten
ing and lock the lid. When pressure builds up cook for 10 mi
After he perfected his original he made a crispy recipe that
was marinated first then fried the conventional way. This o
ne is double dunked into the coating to give it its great ta

1 whole frying chicken, cut up and marinated
6-8 cups shortening for cooking
1 egg, beaten
1 cup milk
2 cups all-purpose flour
2 1/2 teaspoons salt
3/4 teaspoon pepper
3/4 teaspoon MSG
1/8 teaspoon Paprika
1/8 teaspoon Garlic Powder
1/8 teaspoon Baking Powder

Trim any excess skin and fat from the chicken pieces. Prehea
t the shortening in a deep-fryer to 350 degrees. Combine the
beaten egg and milk in a medium bowl. In another medium bow
l, combine the remaining coating ingredients (flour, salt, p
epper and MSG). When the chicken has marinated, transfer eac
h piece to paper towels so that excess liquid can drain off.

Working with one piece at a time, first dip in egg and milk
then coat the chicken with the dry flour mixture, then the
egg and milk mixture again, and then back into the flour. Be
sure that each piece is coated very generously. Stack the c
hicken on a plate or cookie sheet until each piece has been
coated. Drop the chicken, one piece at a time into the hot s
hortening. Fry half of the chicken at a time (4 pieces) for
12-15 minutes, or until it is golden brown. You should be su
re to stir the chicken around halfway through the cooking ti
me so that each piece cooks evenly. Remove the chicken to a
rack or towels to drain for about 5 minutes before eating.
Once he perfected his Extra Crispy he had customers who want
ed it to be spicy and bold so he created his Hot and Spicy C
hicken. Here is his original recipe which has changed a bit
in this day and age. It comes frozen and is cooked frozen an
d not prepared fresh in many stores.

Hot and Spicy Chicken
1 whole frying chicken, cut up and Marinated
6-8 cups shortening
1 egg, beaten
1 cup milk
2 cups all-purpose flour
2 1/2 teaspoons salt
3/4 teaspoon pepper
1 teaspoon white pepper
3/4 teaspoon Cayenne Pepper
3/4 teaspoon MSG
1/8 teaspoon Garlic Powder
1/8 teaspoon Baking Powder

Trim any excess skin and fat from the chicken pieces. Prehea
t the shortening in a deep-fryer to 350 degrees. Combine the
beaten egg and milk in a medium bowl. In another medium bow
l, combine the remaining coating ingredients When the chicke
n has marinated, transfer each piece to paper towels so that
excess liquid can drain off. Working with one piece at a ti
me, dip in egg and milk then coat the chicken with the dry f
lour mixture, coated very generously. Stack the chicken on a
plate or cookie sheet until each piece has been coated. Dro
p the chicken, one piece at a time into the hot shortening.
Fry half of the chicken at a time (4 pieces) for 12-15 minut
es, or until it is golden brown. You should be sure to stir
the chicken around halfway through the cooking time so that
each piece cooks evenly. Remove the chicken to a rack or tow
els to drain for about 5 minutes before eating.
The Colonel used to sale chicken nuggets that were tasty but
he taught why not prepare fresh chicken strips of all white
meat and that is how the Colonel’s Crispy Strips were
born. You will notice it is the same as the Extra Crispy.

KFC Crispy Strips
1 egg, beaten
1 cup milk
2 cups all-purpose flour
2 1/2 teaspoons salt
3/4 teaspoon pepper
3/4 teaspoon MSG
1/8 teaspoon Paprika
1/8 teaspoon Garlic Powder
1/8 teaspoon Baking Powder

Cut 6 chicken Breasts into strips, or you can by chicken ten
ders in the store. Marinate them overnight . Preheat the sho
rtening in a deep-fryer to 350 degrees. Beat 1 egg and 1 cup
of milk. Dip the chicken into the egg mixture. Dip the the
chicken into the coating and then double dip. Fry in fryer a
few at a time till they are golden brown about 5 minutes or
until they float.. Remove the chicken to a rack and allow t
o drain for 5 minutes
The Colonel has decided to make Hot and Spicy Strips that ra
n for short times the difference is the second dip it is dip
ped into hot sauce then breaded again and then fried just li
ke the original crispy strips. For the barbecue strips make
the strips the original way and then dip into the Honey Barb
ecue Dipping Sauce.
The Colonel deiced that wings were going to be a good thing
to serve and so he decided to create fried wings that are ve
ry tasty. The Honey Barbecue wings are tasty . After they ar
e made they are dipped into the Honey Barbecue Dipping Sauce
. If you don’t want the honey barbecue wings just serve them
as the regular wings.

KFC Wings

6-8 cups shortening
20 chicken wing pieces
1 egg, beaten
1 cup milk
2 cups all-purpose flour
2 1/2 teaspoons salt
3/4 teaspoon pepper
3/4 teaspoon MSG
1/8 teaspoon Paprika
1/8 teaspoon Garlic Powder
If you are using frozen wings allow them to defrost and mari
nate. If you are using fresh wings you are going to want to
take the wing and remove the flipper and then break them int
o two pieces and then marinate them. Combine the beaten egg
with the milk in a small bowl. In another small bowl, combin
e the flour, salt, pepper, garlic powder, paprika and MSG. W
hen shortening is hot, dip each wing first in the flour mixt
ure, then into the milk and egg mixture, and back into the f
lour. Bread all the wings then refrigerate them until ready
to use. When they are ready to be used fry them 6 at a time
for 12 minutes. Remove from the shortening and allow them to
drain for 3 minutes. For the barbecue ones dip in the barbe
cue sauce and serve.
The Colonel also had a Roasted chicken that was mighty tasty
. The chicken was marinated also and then baked with his fam
ous seasonings. The baking process was long it takes 4 hours
to bake it. It is baked at 225 for 2 hours till the interna
l temp was at 175. But for you at home I have updated this t
o be baked at a hire temperature and be prepared in less tim
Tender Roast
Spice Mix
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper
1/2 teaspoon lemon pepper
1/4 teaspoon thyme
1/4 teaspoon paprika
1/8 teaspoon garlic powder
1/8 teaspoon MSG
Trim the excess fat from the chicken. Marinade the chicken i
n the mixture for 3 to 4 hrs or overnight. Remove the chicke
n from the marinade and allow to dry. Sprinkle the chicken l
ightly with seasoning. Place on baking pan and bake at 325F
for 1 to 1 1/2 hrs till chicken is done. Allow to sit for 1
to 2 minutes then serve
One of the favorite items that is on the menu is the Barbecu
e sauce that was original made fresh in the store and used t
o dip the wings, the original chicken and now the chicken st
rips. Now it comes in a bag and all we have to do is add hot
water and keep warm.
KFC Honey BBQ Dipping Sauce

1 1/2 cups ketchup
1/3 cup white vinegar
1/8 cup molasses
1/8 cup corn syrup
1/4 cup honey
1 teaspoon liquid smoke flavoring
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
1/8 teaspoon onion powder
1 teaspoon MSG
1/4 teaspoon of chili powder
In a sauce pan combine all of the above and bring to a simme
r. Simmer for 5 minutes and keep warm. When you are ready to
eat the chicken dip in and allow the chicken to drain for 1

BIG MAC™ Special Sauce recipes,..!!

1/4 cup KRAFT Miracle Whip
1/4 cup mayonnaise
2 Tablespoons,heaping, WISHBONE deluxe french salad dressing (the orange stuff)
1/2 Tablespoon HEINZ sweet relish
2 teaspooons, heaping, VLASIC dill pickle relish (Heinz dill relish also works)
1 teaspoon sugar
1 teaspoon dried, minced onion
1 teaspoon white vinegar
1 teaspoon ketchup
1/8 teaspoon sal

Mix everything very well in a small container. There better be no streaks! Microwave 25 seconds, and stir
well again. Cover, and refrigerate at LEAST 1 hour before using.( to allow all of
the flavors to "meld". ) Makes nearly 1 cup...enough for about 8 Big Macs™.

Cooking your BIG MAC™
(this is a per sandwich recipe)
1 -regular sized sesame seed bun
1 -regular sized plain bun
2 -previously frozen regular beef patties
2 -tablespoons Big Mac sauce
2 -teaspoons reconstituted onions
1 -slice real American cheese
2 -hamburger pickle slices
1/4 Cup -shredded iceberg lettuce

Discard the crown half of the regular bun, retaining the heel. The cooking method for the Big Mac™ is
basically the same as the regular burgers, only the bun toasting method is slightly
different. In the Big Mac's case you toast the bottom (heel) first. Do this along with the extra
heel. (this will be your middle bun.)
Cook the two-all-beef-patties just like the regular burgers. After the bun parts are toasted, put 1
tablespoon of "Mac sauce" on each of the heels.(toasted side.) Then add 1/8 cup
shredded lettuce to each.On the true bottom bun, place one thin slice of American cheese on top of the
lettuce. On the extra "heel", the middle bun, place two pickle slices on top of the
lettuce. Toast the "crown" (top) of the bun also. When the meat patties are done, place them one at a time
on both prepared buns. Stack the middle bun on top of the bottom bun, and put
the crown on top.
For proper "aging", or "Q-ing", ...wrap the finished Big Mac® in a 12"x18" sheet of waxed
paper as follows:
1...Center the burger, right side up, on the waxed paper. Fold the "long" ends of the paper up over the
top. (It will resemble a tube with the burger in the center.)
2...Fold the two remaining ends underneath. Wrap snug, but don't squish it like the
regular burgers.
3...Let sit 5-8 minutes, allowing the flavors to "meld".
4...Microwave, still wrapped, 15 seconds on high.
....Enjoy an AWESOME Big Mac® Sandwich